The Southern Lights or Aurora Australis is a spectacular natural phenomena visible from high southern latitudes in Antarctica, South America, New Zealand and Australia. Hundred Acre Hideaway is perfectly situated for aurora sightings, being south facing, 90m above sea level on a remote mountainside away from artificial light. The Southern Lights are exciting, unpredictable and may appear as a soft lime green glow, a pink arc, a curtain flowing East to West, white parallel beams or fans of light. Hundred Acre Hideaway is well regarded by Aurora chasers, amateur and professional photographers both locally and internationally.
Aurora Australis on the horizon over Cloudy Bay
In addition to the many public walking tracks on Bruny Island, Hundred Acre Hideaway offers 4 easy nature trails for the exclusive use of guests.
Pepperberry Walk: 1 hr return.
Sainty’s Creek Loop: 45 mins return.
Singing Valley: 30 mins
The Bush Golf Course: 20 mins return. Grab the clubs, putter, balls in your hideaway and tee off at the 4 hole course over the creek bridge. Quite possibly Australia’s southern most green.